Hey everyone! If you've been wanting to read my cyberpunk (sci-fi) series, Santa's elves have been listening! Right now, Techno Crazed and Savage Bytes are on sale at All Romance eBooks! Just in time for the holidays!
Techno Crazed
Hacked Investigations, Book 1
Private investigator Hannah Franklin's life is turned upside down after being contacted by a former employee of MAX Home Security, the leader in security services. But they're not just protecting people anymore. Hannah's informant claims to have proof that MAX has ordered the assassination of politicians who stood against the corporation.
When her informant is killed and an attempt is made on her life, Hannah has no choice but to contact a freelance hacker. Her only hope now lies in the hands of a man she never expected to welcome back into her life.
Ian Bradley has lost his girlfriend and his job, as well as having acquired a very annoying gnome. Now his ex, Hannah, is in danger, and she needs his help. Ian vows to protect Hannah with every resource available to him -- and as a technomage in a high-tech world, his resources are almost endless...
Read the Excerpt
Buy now:
All Romance eBooks: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-hackedinvestigations1technocrazed-593325-144.html
Or if you'd prefer...
Changeling Press: http://changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1614
Fictionwise: http://www.fictionwise.com/ebooks/b128551/Hacked-Investigations-1/Sarah-Makela/?si=0
Savage Bytes
Hacked Investigations, Book 2
Private investigator Hannah Franklin has a new partner, her sizzling hot lover and technomage, Ian Bradley. But they may be in over their heads when brought in by their friend from the hospital to quietly solve a case that baffles even the police. The victims are being drained of blood and having their organs removed in a ritualistic fashion.
When Ian's attention narrows to solely encompass their work, he'll need to keep their relationship strong, or he could find himself repeating a painful past.
Read the Excerpt
Buy now:
All Romance eBooks: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-hackedinvestigationssavagebytes-643902-144.html
Changeling Press: http://changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1677
Internet Dating for Gnomes
Hacked Investigations, Free Read related to Savage Bytes
If you'd like a taste of the world first, check out my free read which follows Ian's gnome sidekick through the world of internet dating (and fighting a bad guy *grins*).
All Romance eBooks: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-changelingencounterinternetdatingforgnomes-657323-144.html
Or, scroll down to Internet Dating for Gnomes by Sarah Mäkelä at: http://changelingpress.com/ezine/encounters.php
Thank you! Now, I'm crawling back into the editing cave. :-)
And Blade’s End has been FREED
3 months ago
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