Saturday, December 1
Nano is done
Friday, November 23
End of Day 23
Sunday, November 18
End of Day Seventeen
Hooray! It's bedtime now!
Tuesday, November 13
End of Day Twelve
Now I'm off to bed.
Sunday, November 11
End of Day Eleven
The TARA meeting on Saturday was wonderful. Roxanne St. Claire did the workshops and gave me inspiration when I really needed it. I love hearing her speak. She's fun and sincere.
Now I'm off to bed.
Saturday, November 3
End of Day Three
Bedtime now!
Friday, November 2
The End of Day One
The characters are finally starting to develop some voice. My inner editor is screaming at me almost constantly, but I've been able to ignore him somewhat so far. I haven't given in to major reworking of what I have so far, but I have done a few tweaks here and there and added a bit of description to things previously written, but hey, it's all about word count, right? I tend to spend more time on the first few chapters, I think, since I want to have something solid to start with. With writing challenges like Nano, sometimes that can mess me up, but hooray for day one!
I'm going to write a little bit more, and then I'm off to bed.
Wednesday, October 31
Happy Halloween!
So... what am I thinking about most today?
What happens at 12:01am tonight... National Novel Writing Month!
6 hours remaining...
Happy Halloween everyone. Be safe and have fun.
Thursday, October 18
“Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.”Isn't that great? But, I'm starting to get sick and feverish. What in the world?
Oh well. That's one of the reasons this is such a short blog!
Wednesday, October 17
Today was the first day that I participated and I managed to get done 800 words. Hooray! I have sweated for Sven! (That's a great name.) It's pretty good since I didn't know which story I'd work on until I sat down and tried to spot which would be easiest to dive into on the spot. I decided and am feeling great about it! I'm getting "the flow." =)
Plus, I'm only 1450 words behind now for the Sven says Sweat! challenge. Double yay! I've made progress!
I'm now off to get some sleep, and well work on plotting my National Novel Writing Month project for November 1st. I'm a crazy cat.

After going by my critique partner's blog today, I have been lured by Sven to sweat. How can anyone resist him? Yum! But seeing as how it's just after midnight and the event started on Oct. 15th, I'm 1500 words behind! lol Hooray! A goal.
I'm probably going to work on my plotting now though for when Nov. 1st comes. Then the heavy duty work will have to begin, but yes, I'm starting a new project as opposed to working on an unfinished work like I thought before. This is probably a good thing since it's been a while since I've worked on something really new.
Well, I'm going to bed now! I have midterms tomorrow. Eewww...
Wednesday, October 3
I'm going to go back to resting now. I'll try to get some more writing done and post another entry later to get back on track. =)
Monday, October 1
Transitioning into this heroine's head is slightly harder than I thought. In my last novel the heroine was more of a force to be reckoned with, as opposed to this character who is...not weaker, but...more fragile. I'm going to try to get out the first draft of the novel this month, and then next month participate in National Novel Writing Month. It's a great challenge and fun. Hey, you write 50k words in 30 days. What could be better? =)
Well. I'm feeling very positive and cheery now, so I'm going to go to bed now.
More tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 26
In October, I'm vowing to update my blog more than I have been, but the past is the past. =)
Now for bed.
Monday, September 24
Also, I'm almost finished with the page of what I did on my trip. I'll try to have it up on my website by Tuesday. (There is one version up on it now that my husband wrote, but I have some corrections to add.) Sorry for the delay on that. It's been pretty hectic recently.
Well, I'm off to bed as soon as I print out these last few pages of my novel to edit tomorrow.
Monday, August 27
Thursday, August 9
Not too much new...
Not too much else, except now I'm back to editing my novel and hoping to start plotting my next one soon.
Thursday, July 26
Monday, July 23
Okay, now on to other things. I'm back to editing now. Hooray. I received a wonderful critique from my critique partner and feel thoroughly invigorated. Well, I'll write again later. Now I'm off to get something to drink before I start.
Friday, July 6
a small continuation of last week
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2. Italy. Wonderful food and, again, fascinating history (both ancient and medieval, my favorite kinds. I giving away my history fanaticism?) 3. Alaska. The great white north. Plus I love snow, and it just seems like it'd be an amazing place to see. 4. Transylvania. Once again, yes I had to mention it. I'd love to see Bran Castle and all of the other magnificent things there. 5. Lapland. It's in Northern Scandinavia, especially Finland, and I've love to go explore and see what it's like there. Plus they have cute fuzzy reindeer! 6. Greece. More awesome history comes from here. 7. Russia. Ah, what can I say. I'm a bit infatuated with this country. Beautiful language, I love Chicken Kiev, fascinating history, etc. 8. Washington State. It seems like it'd be a great place to visit, plus I'd like to see Seattle. 9. Northern California. Again, seems like a nice place to visit, and I'd like to see the big Redwood trees. 10. Scotland. I think this one goes without saying. Scottish highlands, and of course the pubs! haha 11. Ukraine. It seems like it'd be a fascinating place to visit. I love Eastern European history. 12. Switzerland. The Alps. I'd love to see those! 13. San Diego, California. Well, I'd just love to go to Sea World here and see how different it'd be than Orlando as well as to the Zoo, etc. |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, July 4
What Flavor Margarita Are You?
You Are a Lime Margarita |
![]() Realistic and grounded, you have the energy to tackle any obstacle that stands in your way. Hyper and driven, you despise lazy behavior of all kinds... especially lazy drunks too tired to dance! |
Thursday, June 28
my first shot at a thursday thirteen
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2. St. Louis, Missouri. I remember going as a child visiting my grandmother there. There are several fun things to see like a magic house, a large carousel museum (with a carousel that I used to love riding on), the Arch... WOW, the great museums there, too. Of course as a kid I used to be like, oh old stuff... can we go somewhere else? But I can look back and remember it for the greatness it was. I'd love to go back here as well. 3. Tennessee. Okay, maybe I'm biased since I'm from TN, but it has a lot of great things to see and do. My favorite parts are Central TN and Eastern TN where the Smoky Mts are. I *LOVE* the Smoky Mountains. Plus the Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge areas are totally fun, too! I was raised in Central TN, so I, of course, enjoy the Parthenon (a replica of the one in made in Greece, which is AMAZING. Run, don't walk to get there if you can.) It has a lot of other great things, like the Gaylord Opryland Hotel. I could say a lot more about it, too. 4. Romania. What can I say? It was the first international country I'd ever gone to, besides from Canada and Amsterdam's airport. The culture is so incredibly fascinating. I *SO* want to go back here, listening Mr. Fiance? I had a crowded schedule when going since I went with a group from my university, so I couldn't go exploring everything that I wanted. I went to Bucharest and Braila while there, which aren't very close together, so I also was able to experience a four hour bus trip both ways, which in itself was fabulous. The landscape was wow, too. And now I'm rambling, but when I go back, I want to explore Bucharest some more and go to explore Transylvania and Bran Castle (Dracula's Castle) and all of the Medieval towns, etc. 5. Helsinki, Finland. And well all of the parts of Finland that I've seen so far. It's all lush and foresty. Lots of lakes, too. And I mean A LOT. I was all smug thinking that my glorious land of lakes, Florida, could stand up to the amount of lakes here... Not a chance. They have more than 60,000 lakes in Finland. Plus a lot of smaller lakes and then rivers, etc. Back to Helsinki. It's a wonderful city. It has a great feeling to it. Plus, the architecture is gorgeous. I love old cities that have that kind of feel to them. 6. Amsterdam. Okay, so I spent one of the layovers sitting in the Amsterdam airport for eight hours, but hey, on the way back through we got to actually see the big city. The architecture was once again AMAZING. It went along great with the weather at the moment, which was on the dreary side, but! I'd love to go back and explore this city (and The Netherlands) more. 7. Key West, Florida. Okay, what can I say? It's an awesome place. The history is a blast. There are cats and chickens all roaming the streets, and neither minds the other much. They have Key Lime Pie on a stick and chocolate covered Key Lime Pie on a stick. Both are AMAZING! And I know you can get them at the stores, but still... Also, there are great restaurants like Sloppy Joe's. I'm planning on my next Key West run to be soon, especially 8. Savannah, Georgia. Hmm, mentioning Key West makes me somehow think of Savannah. I thoroughly enjoy going to Savannah as well. It was another place that my grandmother used to live and we'd go and visit her there. Yes, same grandmother. She enjoyed moving around, and well, I enjoyed going to new places, so it worked out well. This city again has wonderful history. I'm still trying to convince anyone to go on a ghost tour with me, but as of yet no one has been nice enough to agree. lol The Pirate's House is a great place to eat while there. River Street is another must see. Of course there are a lot there, but... 9. San Francisco, California. Well, so how were you guessing I'd mention it? It's a great place to do sightseeing. I saw Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge, Pier 39, Fisherman's Wharf, and even rode on a trolley car! I'm going to be going back next year since the Romance Writer's of America conference will be there, and I'm going to make darn sure I'm there since of course this summer has been spent with the fiance. Unfortunately, my brain can't think of too much else to say about this one. 10. New Orleans, Louisiana (Pre-Katrina). It's sad that a place with such vibrant history and feel was damaged so badly. I had the chance to go prior to Katrina, and the city was enthralling, especially well, since I'm a horror/romantic paranormal/urban fantasy writer. I'm glad that I at least got to see it before it was devastated and hope it rebuilds quickly. 11. Colorado. I've had the wonderful opportunity to have driven through this state. It is beautiful! The mountains with their snow caps even during summer is just mindblowing. I'm glad that I stayed awake for most of this drive. 12. Yellowstone National Park. This was a great adventure. I loved seeing the almost untouched nature. Plus how amazing is it to be driving along and then a huge animal like a moose starts walking across the road in front of you and then stops and lingers. It's also interesting to see the other people getting out of their for better pictures. I wonder if they really value their lives since wild animals can attack, ya know? Plus, Old Faithful was quite fun to watch as well. 13. New Mexico. It has some great culture and history as well. Plus there are some great museums, parks, monuments, etc. I've been there a few times. I'm not too fond of hot temperatures (pfft, I know I live in Florida, but Florida is different), but some of the exciting attractions like the Gila Cliff Dwellings, and then there's Santa Fe and Albuquerque to see. |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, June 27
Well, that's about it. 'Night.
Tuesday, June 26
That's about it for now. Keep checking back.
Monday, June 25
Sunday, June 24
the promised status report
so far, so decent
Well, I am just taking a break and eating a bit of ice cream and drinking some cold Coca-Cola on this nice summer day. Now to return my bowl to the kitchen and get back to work!
Another status update later, since I have been mucho lacking in the accountability area recently.
Sunday, June 17
to edit or not to edit, that is the question
Monday, May 28
Not too much has been going on. My actual website shall be coming soon, which I can't wait! It'll probably be up in one way or another by Tuesday.
Happy Memorial Day today, by the way! =)
Wednesday, May 16
Monday, May 14
Anyways. I should be hearing back on the contest tomorrow.
Mother's Day was pretty good. It was a rather nice, relaxing day. Blood Ties was absolutely fantasic. Henry was quite yummy. Mike wasn't too bad either. I was surprised with myself for thinking that, but it was true. Today's episode storyline wise grabbed me. I barely recognized the fact that time was passing so quickly.
Well... it is WAY past my bedtime. Even my usual late one. Ouch. =/
Sunday, May 13
Seven pages today! Hooray! I didn't even do half of what I had written down to do. I could probably work on it, too and get more written, but it's 3:00AM and alas, I can't sleep until 1PM tomorrow unfortunately since it'll be Mother's Day, and I'll be having brunch with her. (Breakfast technically because I don't get into that whole brunch thing, but by the time that I'll probably be eating it the average breakfast hours will be over, so it won't technically be breakfast, but oh well. =P)
I went to the RWA meeting today. It was wonderful. Diana Peterfreund spoke about Secondary Characters and Subplots as well as Writing YA Fiction. They were all very, very interesting topics, and I learned a lot out of it. I got several names of agents to check into and a better understanding of how I can spot the different subplots in stories. On a subconscious level it's probably easy to figure out, but when I try to look for things like that I just see story. It's probably a sign that the author did such a great job with sucking me into the story that I don't bothering with trying to hunt it all up, but oh well... lol.
Status on novel: Approximately 56 pages to go, which means I'll probably be done within 14 days.
Friday, May 11
If I get anymore done then I'll post the further progress, but I'm not sure if I will or not. I have to wake up bright and early for my local RWA meeting tomorrow. Hooray!
Anyways. I'm going to bed now.
Thursday, May 10
Wednesday, May 9
I've actually been developing how this book may end up wrapping up. It's pretty exciting. It actually seems like I have a good idea. Hopefully agents and editors will think the same thing.
Well. I am sleepy, so I must go sleep.
Tuesday, May 8
That's about all I can think of. I have a headache, so I'm going to be moseying myself off to bed now.
Monday, May 7
Blood Ties was absolutely fantasic again. It had a lot of Henry Fitzroy in tonight's episode, which is always wonderful. Sexy sexy vampire...
Sunday, May 6
Well, bedtime, I'm tired. I've seen several cat fights tonight made by my dominant little Tada cat, and that has been enough excitement for my evening.
Saturday, May 5
Well, it's bedtime. I did work on some plotting today, but most of the time that I was going to spend on writing got instead spent on the fiance, which isn't bad, but wasn't what I was expecting to be using on it. Oh well. Always tomorrow, right? (Technically later today.)
Oh...yeah...and on a sidenote: Happy Cinco de Mayo! (happy fifth of may =P )... I know in what way I shall be celebrating it.
Friday, May 4
I had to go clothes shopping today. That horrid event. It was my last day of work for a few months as well. I'm pretty excited about that. I shall very much so relax tomorrow. I'll also work on the plotting of my novel. If I don't then I'm going to end up running out of things to write.
Not too much else I can think of right now.
Thursday, May 3
Good job for me.
Wednesday, May 2
Ugh. That's what you get when you only outline half of it and then burst out into writing several scenes scattered all over the place because everything you write after your outline runs dry dead ends itself after a while.
It sucks. I'm content with four pages though, so hooray!
Off to bed for me. I have a final exam with (insert several interesting expletives here) tomorrow. Ugh!
Tuesday, May 1
Monday, April 30
As some people I know would say, a rejection letter is a good thing. It's a sign that you are out there and submitting. Ever since being in that same mind frame, I feel more accepting of the rejections, even though I want to be accepted pretty badly, instead of actually feeling like I'm a reject and that my work sucks. Of course the way you remedy that is to first edit your work as well as you can and then submit it, instead of the other way around, which I have also done before. Mostly due to laziness.
Well, I was just in the process of making my lunch. I'll write more later after I do my writing.
I've been filling in the holes that didn't need much work done to them and that could be easily enough done without a lot of editing. Now that those were somewhat finished last night, it didn't make things very easy to start tonight, but within a few moments I latched on to an idea, jumped into a brand new scene and wrote.
That's pretty much all. I'm going to try to work on some editing and plotting within the next few days so that things will flow smoother, but eh... I don't know.
Bedtime now.
Sunday, April 29
Saturday, April 28
Friday, April 27
I think that I'm going to have my goal be five pages a day. If I were to write five pages every day... that would be about 1,825 pages in a year. Pretty sweet stuff, but I honestly don't know if I'd be able to do that. Maybe I'm not giving myself enough credit, but it is a pretty intimidating number. If there are 251 business days in a year and I wrote 5 pages a business day that would mean... 1,255. Approx. 600 pages less, but it feels like a less stressful number oddly enough.
Perhaps I shouldn't think about those kinds of things and just write as much as I can with as much quality as I can. Yes, that's a good goal. Pages wise, five a day. I shouldn't stress myself by getting my sight out of focus.
That's about all for me today.
Off to bed.
Wednesday, April 25
Tonight I worked on editing an excerpt from my first novel that I'd started. It's an assignment for one of my creative writing courses, so it's serving two purposes at once! lol 1) Actually have progress made toward the work, and 2) to get a grade. The only thing I actually have to do after turning that assignment in, is to take an exam for the grouchy teacher. Ugh. Oh well. Hopefully it'll go decent.
Good night!
Monday, April 23
Anyways, back to the writing news. The pages are coming along rather well. The characters are interacting in real ways and showing me different ways of how the story can come together than what I have now, as well as filling in quite a few plotholes while I fully decide what will happen next. Before when I was going through the National Novel Writing Month I focused on speed and getting through it, now the characters are more able to pop their heads out and make me do what they want without being unleashed to wreak havoc.
It's a rather good balance, I'd say.
Yay for Henry Fitzroy on Blood Ties from Lifetime and Tanya Huff! I just have to add how hot that vamp is. Tonight's episode was so wonderful. He had a lot of airtime and I'm so grateful for that fact! Now perhaps I shall go have a dream or two about him. lol...
Sunday, April 22
Time for bed. Adios!
Saturday, April 21
I also added the books that I've read recently to the blog. Those aren't all of them, but there aren't as many as there should be. I have lots of books on my To Be Read list.