Hey everyone! Happy Hump Day! Yes, I'm posting an Into the Paranormal blog... Amazing, right? *grins* Just real quick, I did a blog post at Cathy Pegau's yesterday if you're interested in checking that out.
Now for the topic!
One of the shows I really enjoy watching is Ghost Adventures, even if it took an episode or two to warm up to (give it a chance, if you decide to watch it). They really do their research and show what's going on with the way they do their lockdowns and hold their cameras, etc. instead of certain other shows... ahem... But Ghost Adventures is on the Travel Channel if you want to check them out!
I've gone on ghost tours before, and I've read lots of books on ghosts and haunted houses. I even heard from others who have seen ghosts, even though I haven't. I think it'd be fascinating to see a ghost, but I'm not necessarily going to go out of my way to find one. I have been in haunted places, but I didn't really see anything.
Do I think there are spirits and ghosts? Sure, I think so. Would I want to stay overnight in a haunted house? It depends on if there are any malevolent ghosts. I'm not out to have nightmares or have something try to hurt me. *grins*
What about you? Have you seen a ghost or been in a haunted house? Would you want to?
And Blade’s End has been FREED
3 months ago
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