I posted this yesterday at Castles & Guns.
I've had high hopes for the year, and so far things are going all right. Aside from the illness being tossed around like hot potatoes in my household. Argh!
Anyways, January began strong in my mind. I started writing a novella, editing a novel, and focusing on a healthier lifestyle. It began well, but I had a hard time working on editing and writing the novella. Fitness though, went great. Then stress hit hard at the end of January due to editing the novella for a submission deadline, family coming into town, etc. Things fell apart with what I was doing.
February basically was about stabilizing and dealing with my stress and family, as well as attended DigiCon at SavvyAuthors. Now it's March. Part of me feels like the year is starting to get away from me. With the beginning of March, I decided to get things back under control. I'm back on track with working out and eating better, and I'm starting to get it together again with editing too. Although, I'd much rather be writing. *grins*
Anyways, the point of the blog is it's a new month. If there are things in your life that aren't going as well as you'd hoped, there's time to get back on track. Don't feel like the year is messed up just because two months have passed. There is still a lot of time in the year to make this one great.
I read an article recently about dividing the year up in quarters. January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December. I think that's a great idea. The article said focus on smaller, specific goals and not trying to do something huge within those quarters. Want to write the first draft within April-June? Edit in July-September? Heck, even lose 10 lbs or read 5 books in a single quarter.
So how are you doing with your goals this year? Any that you're getting back on track with?
And Blade’s End has been FREED
3 months ago
Sorry you had a run of bad luck, but I'm glad to see you are back on track. I've also hit a rough patch with starting my new WIP, hopefully I'll overcome that hurdle soon.