Monday, April 30

First rejection letter came in today for Jaded as of 12:27 p.m.

As some people I know would say, a rejection letter is a good thing. It's a sign that you are out there and submitting. Ever since being in that same mind frame, I feel more accepting of the rejections, even though I want to be accepted pretty badly, instead of actually feeling like I'm a reject and that my work sucks. Of course the way you remedy that is to first edit your work as well as you can and then submit it, instead of the other way around, which I have also done before. Mostly due to laziness.

Well, I was just in the process of making my lunch. I'll write more later after I do my writing.
Wrote three pages tonight. Fairly okay since I didn't exactly have any clue of where to pick up at in my novel, since my novel when I started writing it went fine up until a certain point and then it fragmented into several scenes instead of linear plot. Then a few of my ideas changed, which caused a few scenes to be switched around, which also affected the linear plot.

I've been filling in the holes that didn't need much work done to them and that could be easily enough done without a lot of editing. Now that those were somewhat finished last night, it didn't make things very easy to start tonight, but within a few moments I latched on to an idea, jumped into a brand new scene and wrote.

That's pretty much all. I'm going to try to work on some editing and plotting within the next few days so that things will flow smoother, but eh... I don't know.

Bedtime now.

Sunday, April 29

Five pages and one more submission done! Hooray!

Now I shall go reward myself with some sleep. ^__^ Yay!


Saturday, April 28

I've just submitted my short story, Jaded, to two magazines, and will send it to two more places tomorrow. For one of the magazines, I'm just waiting for the clock to strike midnight because tomorrow will be the beginning of their Reading period again. It makes me feel good that I'm getting my writing out there again. I know that I have the stories under my belt, but I guess I've just been holding out...thinking that I'll just wait for a novel to start sending out my work again. That will be the case, for the most part. I will focus on my novel as my real goal, but perhaps throwing out short stories to magazines wouldn't be so bad every once in a while.

Just finished writing for the night, and I thought I'd just throw up a very quick blog to say that I wrote 3 pages. Yep. Right after I make a goal of 5 a day, I write 3. Oh well, that's better than nothing.


Friday, April 27

Five pages made! I've efficiently rebounced from last night even though there were a few patches during the writing time that I pondered if I'd be able to make it to the five pages, but alas, I was victorious.

I think that I'm going to have my goal be five pages a day. If I were to write five pages every day... that would be about 1,825 pages in a year. Pretty sweet stuff, but I honestly don't know if I'd be able to do that. Maybe I'm not giving myself enough credit, but it is a pretty intimidating number. If there are 251 business days in a year and I wrote 5 pages a business day that would mean... 1,255. Approx. 600 pages less, but it feels like a less stressful number oddly enough.

Perhaps I shouldn't think about those kinds of things and just write as much as I can with as much quality as I can. Yes, that's a good goal. Pages wise, five a day. I shouldn't stress myself by getting my sight out of focus.

That's about all for me today.

Off to bed.

Wednesday, April 25

Two pages, but seeing as the evening I dealt with...I think that's pretty darn good. I'm proud that I did any pages.

Five pages written. Hooray! Tomorrow is my last day of classes until August. I can't wait then I can dedicate more hardcore time for writing.

Tonight I worked on editing an excerpt from my first novel that I'd started. It's an assignment for one of my creative writing courses, so it's serving two purposes at once! lol 1) Actually have progress made toward the work, and 2) to get a grade. The only thing I actually have to do after turning that assignment in, is to take an exam for the grouchy teacher. Ugh. Oh well. Hopefully it'll go decent.

Good night!

Monday, April 23

Another four pages written, plus a stressful/boring day (odd how they can be both at once). Thank goodness these kinds of days are almost behind me until August when classes will start back up again. It's really odd how two creative writing teachers can adore me, but my literature teacher hates me. She reamed the class on the papers she handed back today and looked over in my direction during it more than once. There are so many names I could think of to call her, but I guess I'll have to refrain.

Anyways, back to the writing news. The pages are coming along rather well. The characters are interacting in real ways and showing me different ways of how the story can come together than what I have now, as well as filling in quite a few plotholes while I fully decide what will happen next. Before when I was going through the National Novel Writing Month I focused on speed and getting through it, now the characters are more able to pop their heads out and make me do what they want without being unleashed to wreak havoc.

It's a rather good balance, I'd say.
Just wrote five pages. Hooray! Don't have too much else to say except now I'm tired and am going to retire off to bed. Ugh for university tomorrow/today.

Yay for Henry Fitzroy on Blood Ties from Lifetime and Tanya Huff! I just have to add how hot that vamp is. Tonight's episode was so wonderful. He had a lot of airtime and I'm so grateful for that fact! Now perhaps I shall go have a dream or two about him. lol...

Sunday, April 22

I've written eight pages within the last twenty-four hours, which makes me feel absolutely great. I know it's not 30 or some extraordinary number, but for me...I feel happy. With my long dry streak of non-writing/as little writing as could be done, I finally feel like I have a better grasp on things. My characters are communicating well, albeit being rather goofy at moments, but I can't blame them. If I were just getting attention again in a long timespan without, I'd be goofy, too. Plus, they are getting some pertinent scenes added to the beginning where they could be more care-free and less dragged down by the world.

Time for bed. Adios!

Saturday, April 21

Just about to get some sleep. I've worked on some plotting today with Damiana's story. I have actually been getting more ideas and a better line of thought than I had before that. It's been pretty darn difficult to push forward with the novel because I've been just stuck recently. I'm glad to have made some motion forward and better idea of where I can go next with it.

I also added the books that I've read recently to the blog. Those aren't all of them, but there aren't as many as there should be. I have lots of books on my To Be Read list.

Thursday, April 19

I've been working here and there on Damiana's story. I even submitted the first three chapters of it to one RWA chapter contest and will be submitting the first chapter to another RWA chapter contest within the next few days. Hooray! I can't wait to hear word back on either of them. Hopefully the news will be wonderful. We'll just have to see. =)
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